Part 45: New Parm NPC Chatter 9
Welcome back!
So many New Parm NPCs.

: Of course I am! An adventurer has to be tough, or else!

: I suppose so. Rumor is Chang quit being a bodyguard and now he's a chef. Go try his food sometime. If you can finish his extra large helpings it's free.

: Well, New Parm's food is a little too spicy for me. So I think I'll pass. Ha ha.
This is probably reading way too deeply into it, but remember that part of Justin's character is being a gourmand. I kinda like that Justin and Chang are kind of swapping roles here.

: Knowing Chang, I think he'd want a rematch. Want me to go and find out?

: I don't think I could win an eating contest. I wonder if Puffy could win?

: Puff! Puff!

: Why, yes! It's what I like to do and, besides, I've got some companions now.

: Is that right? Well, good luck to you and don't get too close to the Misty Forest or other dangerous spots.

: An adventurer would never avoid a place just because it's dangerous!

: Long, long ago, my great-grandfather entered the Misty Forest. I was told that he never returned. Everyone here would be heartbroken if that happened to Feena. It's OK for you to go, but be sure to come back!

: Hey, I told you it'll be fine! After all, she'll have me with her.

: Hee hee. I'm counting on you. ♥

: Well, have fun. We'll be sure to have fun, too.

: I know, but what about you, Feena? You were about to be forced to marry Pakon, right?

: I would get about 30 letters a day, I was at a loss a few times. But I couldn't believe this.

: It must be hard being so popular.

: I hope Pakon learned his lesson this time. It would be good medicine for him to have such an experience.

: I agree! Maybe after this incident, he'll behave himself better.

: Hey Feena, I heard you married someone from Parm. Have some "Phantom Mist" sparkling water to celebrate. Want to try some? Come on! It's free! In honor of Feena!
Seriously, in New Parm they even celebrate weddings being canceled. It's only a matter of time before they start having parties because they're about to have a party.

: Say, is that guy who's with you the new boyfriend who stole you away from Pakon?

: He's just a friend. But I guess it's true that he stole me away. Hee hee.

: Oh, it was so bold of you to steal Feena away, Justin!

: Heh heh. Cut it out. How embarrassing!

: All right! Cool! ♥ Hey, I heard all about it! Just as they were getting ready for the wedding, you rescued the bride from Pakon's cursed kiss!

: Huh? Justin, you're all red in the face. Are you embarrassed?

: D-don't make fun of me, Sue!

: My, how handsome! ♥ These true adventurers are such good-looking guys! Ahhh, I wish I could have one for my boyfriend! I'm gonna look for 'em as they get off the ship.

: Now THAT sounds really amazing. Justin, I bet you guys would be amazed, too.

: I'd love to see it again some day.
Thankfully, the guy in the purple bandanna has nothing new to say.

: They want us as a tourist attraction!?

: Anyway, I can't get married. I haven't finished adventuring!

: Really? But I think you two would make such a nice couple.
Speaking of Pakon...

: He acts like that so that people here in town will be happier than ever. I'm sure of it!

: It would be great if only that were true.

: I figure that I'm the only one who really understands what Pakon is about. Uh-yup yup yup!

: I heard about you, Justin! You want to go fight "evil Pakon". Doncha know, it's a joyous occasion! Now, what's for dinner tonight? We've got steak, truffles and cake.

: How embarrassing. Everyone else is so happy about this thing.

: Hey, it's OK. We just wanna have some fun. OK, but I wonder about spending the whole week partying and spending a lot of money.

: Yes, I'm sure the folks at this house went into debt this month.
Pointless Minutia Corner: usually this game puts punctuation within the quotation marks, and uses the Oxford Comma, both of which I change when transcribing. This one NPC however, doesn't do things that way.

: Jeez, how pitiful. Can't they do anything unless Pakon tells them to?
Eeeehhh, I suppose we should check in on him.

: No, you've got it all wrong.
Crap, is that her embarrassed portrait, her shy portrait, or her bashful portrait?

: Ah-hah! How shy you are! So young and innocent! ♥ When you're newlyweds, you're cheerful about everything. It was that way for me, too.

: Ha ha ha. I don't think she understood a word you said.

: Oh, really! Pakon's not been at his job, so we can't go out on any adventures!

: I wonder... do people really like that kind of adventure?

: All right! Now's my big chance! Looks like she won't marry Mr. Pakon.
I know we've seen this one before, but it still makes me laugh.

: Who are you?

: Oh, I'm a man who has undertaken many adventures with Feena.

: Whaaat!?

: Excuse me, but I was alone on all of my adventures.

What about the Ghost Ship?

: Oh, Feena! What are you saying? Have you really forgotten the adventures we had? Let's do it again!

: I dunno WHAT you're talking about. Anyway, I'm sorry but I'd never take an amateur with me on an adventure.

Except for the Ghost Ship, again.

: I thought if we got married, we could do all of those things and all of these things!

: What does he mean by "those things" and "these things"?
Dammit, now I can't shake the mental image of Pakon smacking two doll's faces together and making kissy noises.

: Ha ha. I'll forgive you this time, but you know I'm an adventurer, so I don't want to be jinxed by a funeral!

: Oh, well. Too bad, the whole town would come celebrate Feena's funeral. When you decide to have it, tell me right away. I want to set up a doozie!

: Well, should I feel happy?

: There's something about him that's so appealing in a weird way. I'm really attracted to him. ♥

: Pakon!? Are we thinking of the same person?

: He has a great sense of fashion. I think a guy like Pakon is just my type. ♥

: Hmm... but Pakon's type seems to be people like Feena.

: And I, the Caesar of this game, have no mercy-- not even for kids! Try again, sonny!
Turns out that all it takes to defeat this guy is adjectives. Who knew?

: Wha...? No, that's not....

: Don't be so shy! If he came to your wedding to take you away, he must be someone special.

: OK, whatever you say.

: Feena, you should live happily ever after with the one you love.
Crushing your enemies Love is the most important thing.

: Boy, you don't get it at all.

: You know, I have gone to suggest the canal idea to him, but he didn't seem at all interested. It sure was fun crashing that wedding! A toast to the spoiled wedding! Heh heh heh heh. Yeah, that was fun. So why don't you have a drink? It's my treat.

: Well, Feena! It's been a long time. You've grown! I hear you're even getting married?

: Auntie, please don't say such things! I'm not getting married. Justin has rescued me from Pakon.

: Oh, well, that's too bad. I'd thought it'd be good if you married that boy. I could see what your kids are like.

: C... cut it out, Auntie! Don't say such strange stuff!

: So, you're going on another adventure. This time, when you come back. I want to see the faces of your kids!

: Oh, boy. Auntie is really something. Let's get out of here fast, Justin.

: Great! Feena and Pakon can avoid an unhappy future! As a Libra, it's not Feena's nature to stat in one place very long. She's not cut out to be a housewife. That's why you must do all you can, Justin, to spare her such an unhappy future.

: Huh? What should I do?

: But the truth is, she's never happier than when she's talking with you.

: Oh, I understand. Actually, I happen to like Sherry.

: I think it'd be great if Miss Sherry could be more honest and unassuming like you are.

: What do you think you're doing, Feena? Being forced to marry someone?! How embarrassing! Wouldn't you rather just leave town than to be caught by that idiot Pakon?

: Ha ha!

they will never find your body

: You guessed it, Sherry! I am leaving town, with Justin. We're going on a real adventure!

: Oh... is that right? In that case, you'd better get going. That's a load off my mind. Indeed!

: Well, it's good-bye, then. Take care, Sherry.

: Yes, get along now. Ahh, now I can be sure of being number one in this town....

: Anyway, sometimes it's good to learn the hard way, don't you think? It's even good for Pakon.

: Feena, tell me. Are you angry with Pakon?

: Well, he's not doing it to be mean or anything. So take it easy on him.

: Well, it doesn't bother me anymore. I decided to go on a real adventure!

: Pakon's really a nice guy. So take it easy on him.

: A nice guy, huh?
And finally, let's check in with Clara.

: Hey, I did bring a letter here, but I AM NOT A MAILMAN! And this is not a mail bag!

: Puff! Puff!

: Whoa! The mail bag said something!

: Well, if Puffy is a mail bag, then he'll eat that letter of yours! ♥

: Puff! Puff!

: Th... there must be a misunderstanding!

: Don't be shy! I should write Francois right away and tell him. ♥ Laying claim to the heart of New Parm's most popular girl. Quite an accomplishment, Justin!